Monday, May 30, 2011

I Really Digg You Brotha'

Buzz It
I first heard of Gil Scott-Heron in 2000 in Nashville,TN while purchasing one of his earlier albums. Listening to him talk about Watergate, and how there was nothing new & that this world has been trying to upstage black folks with the rise of culture-bandits, actually increased my readiness to get into more music of his likes. I really began to dig deeper and focus on my own contradictions and thus decided to embrace them, because not to would constrict my "MIND" and "MOVEMENT". I am still learning a lot from this brotha' and it is musicians and artists like him that I will continue to use as inspirations, regardless of their contradictions -because I got the most out of them to be who I am striving to BE today -than the person who never even tried to maximize their Godly potential. Thank you, sir. Salut!

For more info try reading:

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