Buzz It

Stickin Her LUV N YOUR You cAN Feel uS Comin'

The current, more accepted ideas of sex and sexuality are exposed and expressed freely, making it easy for people today to accept and or adapt to a “New World” idea of sex and sexual expression.  People with this acceptance tend to be unaware of ancient foundations of sex and the sexual experience itself.  Those who are familiar with non-“New World” views of sex, oftentimes have been given fragments of information, and perception becomes distorted in this way; the original idea or concepts of sex is somewhat hidden amidst the European inspired “New World” view of sexuality.  
Even with the widespread acceptance of “New World” influence, the ideas involving sex do vary culturally.  Though most popular ideas about sex are of Western origin; the Aboriginal natives of the Americas, and their cousins in 'Asia' were people of powerful nations who expressed sex and eroticism with a cosmic-spiritual foundation.  It has been said that the settled tribes of the Americas had sent their philosophies of sex and nature back to Afrika to begin the high civilization era.  The greatest, and one of the earliest concepts of sexual expression, are found in Kemet, Afuraitkaitnut (Black Egypt, Africa).

Through Kemet, we learned from early black scholars that the microcosmic-EL mimicking of the universe by Women and humans was the gateway to discovering the ever-existing owner of the universe who is the Cosmic Creatress Supreme Mother of All who is All.  We then learn the creation stories of her births; an explanation of creation and galactic sexual expression. This cosmic activity and macrocosmic-EL way of creating was highly revered and considered sacred within the cultures of black people,  as these conscious cosmic births were of the greatest power. The cultural significance to black people is the fact of a divine connection between cosmogony and heavily melanated beings; thus, the physical, sexual interaction between ancient black people and black people today, are considered sacred and most powerful, as well. Get ready for pT TWo coming next week..We will dig a lil' deeper and talk about some serious thang'z..Alafia (Peace)!! Children of the Sun!!
Your Planetary Sistar, Mother and Daughter, Uhuru Starjoi

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