Friday, June 24, 2011

SERIE(US) Commentary | e.ROTIK FUNKK?

Buzz It
As the Owner and Creator, here at FUNKKy BLACKK©, I decided that a clear article needed to be written in regards to the nature of a few of our art series. The SERIES e.ROTIK FUNKK collection is the first to be chosen to give a hint on what only your 3rd eye should see -because it is has the most sensitive and taboo material. Other words, this is a 3rd eye to 3rd eye Mind share coming from the creative talent of myself and it is imperative that I as a graphic artist/designer, give the insight FIRST before someone else tries to do that for you. 

Now with all that said, let's get into what e.ROTIK FUNKK is. This series is an attempt to stir up your emotions but not to cause commotions when you see something as sensitive like SEX, Sex, sex. What I would like to happen is for you to be stimulated mentally and physically, to get away from what is considered 'being normal' or 'safe'. e.ROTIK FUNKK is supposed to be outrageously erotic, but in good taste. Good taste means for myself, that the graphic designs are good enough and of a high quality that they can be used as club flyers, given to a special someone as a postcard, or worn on a tee-shirt, hung as a wall poster or even lying on your own queen/king sized bed. This series takes an image, that is sexually sensual (nice way to say: seductive) and give you something to IMAGINE. Yes, I said 'IMAGINE'. When you are looking at ART (graphics is included as this), the imagination that is usually subdued and never mentioned (some folks don't have anyone to 'tell it to') will be drawn out of the recesses of your subconscious mind and perhaps some positive experience can be known. Basically, erotic art should get the ass off the wall and get you off the 'chains' of social slavery! My designs, admittedly are not for EVERYONE, because..well for various just isn't. The Dr. Funkkin in me is cool with that.

Now, I do think there is some generational hypocrisy occurring with some of the dislike of my 'oh so nasty designs'. Here's the deal with that; When a Parliament-Funkadelic album was released, it got a lot of attention and airplay, with no great concerns about the artwork on the cover of a 12inch or 45 -people just wanted to listen to the music and get that same arousal of the senses achieved to get on with that funkky love. By the way, those P-Funk album covers could be very graphic for those early days. In conclusion, use e.ROTIK FUNKK to express what you IMAGINE in the erotic sense; whether with 'yourself' or 'someone' It's your MIND, so it's up to YOU to not stay your own Universe. See the Light, that divine Light, so that your heart and soul can take FLIGHT, for there's nothing wrong about soaring sexually to FUNKKy heights. For all the pretenders out there -I do my thing while you do yours..and I'll do it the best just to keep the locks off my doors. Thank you for reading. PEACE! 

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