Thursday, May 26, 2011


Buzz It
I am Many; therefore Who Are You?
The art ain't easy! What is Art? Art is the expression of the sub-conscious mind's thoughts and inhibitions. In some cases there is a concerted effort to do away with all inhibitions; hence the emergence of the graphic artist or art designer, also the musician and witty businessman/woman. I spend countless hours of the day and night contemplating on where I want my designs to go, who will be influenced and inspired; or what or whom will be able to inspire me. Some of our creativity is manifested in the words we speak, the pictures we draw upon from the gravitation of images as drawn up (understanding) by the magnetic-mind, or consciousness experienced by our engagement with this world. For instance, listen to songs by Jimmy Hendrix or George Clinton, and look at the album art that is produced alongside the songs i.e. Voodoo Child...or Maggot Brain -both speak to the present-day mental conditions of scorned people(s), trapped in a unjust and apathetic world. That art is rebellious and sanctified at the same time, one foot stomping and one foot stepping quietly. Well FUNKKy BLACKK© is the former and we intend to defy any ART etiquette that restricts the natural aesthetics of the Mind; especially a MIND that's been held at bay for centuries....
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