Wednesday, May 4, 2011

FUNKKy BLACKK: Photo Retouches & Image Enhancing

Buzz It
From the Beauty of Darkness to...

....The Beauty of Lights
A lot had to be done to get the 2 main images to pop out. They came from camera phone's, which do not consistently provide high-res photos.We, at FUNKKy BLACKK© enjoy a challenge -and these were definitely that. One thing is for sure, when there's something special you are trying to do for someone; you never really know where your EYES will rest -especially when the sample is for free. I had so many ideas for this piece; yet I couldn't do them all; so here you are. We present to you 2 of 4 versions. Get Yours!

Courtesy of Cesia Nature'Princess


Courtesy of Cesia Nature'Princess

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