Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I told y'all we do Mixtape cover art design...check us out

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Who's On 3rd?

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 I have this desire to do some more modern pop; especially in the world of hip-hop. This thing called mixtape graphics..is a funkky th'ang. If you do a Google search for mixtape graphics you honestly won't find anything b.u.t music blogs or websites that market the education of designing this kind of folk art. Yes, I said folk art. mixtapes are everywhere and no longer just apart of the Underground. I've even saw a jitterbugg ('round 12 or 14) doing a tutorial on the design of mixtapes. His technique was a little rough, b.u.t he reinspired me to get into this, you know, take the art more seriously? Now considering that, take a look again at your parent's Hip-Hop vinyl covers and the plethora of  Hip Hop CD's and look at that mixtape you love to look at on your media player or i.Pod. What do you get out of that? I've observed that the mixtape art is a throwback to the designs of 70's and 80's funk and soul. If we really wanna' be hardcore on the origin..give praise to the Hip-Hop pioneers; especially the artists who designed the covers for the Jonzun Crew and Planet Patrol! Primitive by today's highly technical standards, b.u.t still the fundamentals are the same: Layer, click, click, layer, layer..and more lor arrangements. The love of these designs is what ultimately gets me in the grind to be apart of the history. 

Friday, April 15, 2011


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This is as safe as I wanted to be with this image...this image embodies the epitome of what FUNKK is when it is accentuated with the reflection of the original woman...sitting high and keepin' us higher upon our every interaction with Her. She is indeed The Queen of Heaven..silky..chromatic..and smooth. This would make a great poster or satin bedspread. Watch out more of this is coming soon for folks with beds like you.


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All that I did on this deal was change up the cowry shells, the hair, and work on the texture of the skin. Whomever the woman was who took this photo -she must've been gorgeous and had a great camera person. How's that for political correctness?


I don't care how many times eye see this image..I wanna' just keep on funkkin' it up!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


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Though I have been designing graphics for a little over 4 years, FUNKKy BLACKK was started in late December 2009. The concept arose out of necessity from having worked on my best friend's Myspace page and providing his internet presence with the graphic designs needed at the time. Teaching myself at first with image editing programs such as Net.Paint and Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and CS4, I began to realize that there was a need for graphic art with a more personalized touch..more than what I OBSERVED of the many images on Facebook, Myspace and the Internet in general. Please don't misconstrue what I'm stating here: There are a lot of good graphics out there; however it seems that the FUNKK in ART has been forgotten. Thus, FUNKKy BLACKK ©comes to your rescue catering to that funky, eclectic, artistic inner/outer vision. For instance, ordinary images, photos, logos and things we take for granted such as wash towel sets or bedsheet/spread -can get an eclectic and esthetically beautiful enhancement. Look around at any birthday party and tell me if the items used to setup the celebration are plain or what is on the line of "boring". FUNKKy BLACKK ©seeks to give our people their own personalized reflections and ideas of culture and get everyone off the fence..off the wall!

Imagine coming into your office or bedroom and getting to see a life-sized poster of yourself or family member hanging elegantly on the wall. What about a collage of your favorite musicians or simply a postcard of a cultural or spiritual icon? Now it's no secret that I really enjoy Funk music, yet I also embrace the art and culture that it blessed my life with. Well, I am sharing that same style and "feeling" and when I create a graphic design, it is for your pleasure. FUNKKy BLACKK© embraces the egocentricism of art and music and translates the meanings into a graphic delite. This PROJECT is capable of designing CD covers, business cards, commercial logos, magazine layouts but is more focused on "people" specific designs. There are 3 series that make a composite of what we do: FUNKK CHYLD© is the newest idea being inspired from the ever-emerging youth pop culture. Seeing the children express the funk as it Is -Is refreshing. My e.ROTIK FUNKK© series gives the consumer an opportunity to leave most of their inhibitions behind and send that special postcard or hang up that bad-girl or bad-boy poster. It's designs are for the bedroom too -where ever you do You! Finally there's FUNKKy BLACKK©..and she helps you to express your knowledge of original cultures and the esthetical nature of spirituality. If you are an amateur model or just a funkky individual who wants to get your image FUNKKED up then contact me on my Facebook page (see the sidebar). Well that's all for now..and coming soon I will have on display my designs for all of these series. A lot of work is involved in any project and all is asked is that you give much needed constructive feedback. Below is one of my favorites..enjoy

Disclaimer: This blog, FUNKKy BLACKK, does not support the exploitation of children. The Babies are the Best!


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I've seen this image all over the internet years ago...and I couldn't accept that noone gave it any art therapy...I mean not ANY..so here it ya' go...I hope the original artist (whomever that is) can appreciate my appreciation for his/her work...remember the ordinary to d'elegant and funkky!


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These are some of our sample wall prints/posters! After getting all of these beautifully designed flyers, I decided to jump in and get busy with da' skin. I'm sure some of you sista's wan' some art that caters to your eyez..Well help me with that idea because I haven't found a female participant in that solo-endeavor. Truss me, it will be solo..so long for now.
Recognize the female model?? Yessir!
These photos are courtesy of Ladi Auset and DJ Jam Violator-X

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


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Ok folk...I wanna know who would like to give BIGG SCII (that's Moi)..input on my next sample..This is a request for Requests...I see a lot of EW&F and pop influenced graphic artwork..a lot of morphin' too...I do it all and challenges included -the erotic and the exotic..I create my own textures and patterns..holla at da' God..I gotta start from somewhere -though right now FB ain't showin' me no love (smilin)..11


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de Finale'

The Original...now I caught pure hell with this when I first started out. One of my 1st pieces. What you are looking at is the bulked up and barbed-out version of the low-resolution tiny image this came from. Never give up!


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Now that's a time warp back to FUNKK
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